The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pillow Talk

The Colonel, as many of you know, starts work at an insane hour and is a very light sleeper anyway. What with Gladys and the bad mattress things were not at a pretty point, so we decided to go search for a new mattress.

Both of us had recently experienced Tempur-pedic mattresses on our various travels (he in Delaware, me in Portland) so we took a look at those. After our respective heart attacks at the price, we thought that perhaps we would have to go with a traditional spring mattress.

But then I, being the resourceful type, decided to take a look at Costco, and found a tempur-pedic clone for only 500! So off to Costco we went.

So far, it has been fun, but then again we haven't slept on it yet. It came in a big square box, because it is vacuum packed. In a scene reminiscent of an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, we cut into the vacuum bag, and it started to grow. and grow. and grow. Soon it was the size of a regular mattress!

They said that you could sleep on it right away, but that it would take 24-72 hours to get it to it's normal size, so we decided to spend the night on the sleeper sofa in the rumpus room, which is something I hope not to repeat anytime soon.

I had read on the internet that these things stunk when first unpacked, but this one didn't. So, if everything goes as expected, we shall have a restful night tonight on the new mattress.

I'll keep you posted.


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