The Good Taste Chronicles

Stemming the tide of vulgarity in the general public.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I barely escaped with my life.....

Dear Readers, The sky is just a little bluer this morning, the coffee a bit more coffee-ish, and the song of life sings that much stronger after my Brush With Death over the weekend.

Just imagine it: There I was, working in the yard, minding my own business, trying to get this rotted, ivy-covered stump out of the way so that we could chop down this overgrown bush that was cruelly choking one of our rhodedendrons. (For those of you familiar with the grounds of Chez Vel-DuRay, it's right over there by the non-working hot tub)

Suddenly, I was swarmed by yellow jackets who had the audacity to think they could have a hive in the aforementioned stump!!!

I of course turned tail and ran, but being the concerned pet owner I am, I wanted to make sure that these horrible, vulgar bugs would not go after Shadow (the stately middle-aged Dachshund, who is allergic to stings) so I had to make sure he got in the house before I could take shelter (I figured that there was a lot more of me to go after than him, and more than one sting might actually kill him, which would have put a real crimp in the weekend)

When all was said and done, I had seven stings. Luckily, none of them were on the face, or any other area not covered by a turn-of-the-century swimsuit, so I am presentable for the office (Today's World Magazine insists on employees being both the height of fashion AND attractive) Not that we wear turn-of-the-century swimsuits in the office, but you get the idea.

The Colonel forced me to take two Benadryls which did help quite a bit, but have the effect of knocking me on my ass, which was fine as it was time for a lovely afternoon nap anyway.

But there you have it. Let it be a lesson to your, dear readers - gardenning is not all it's cracked up to be.


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